Preguntas frecuentes

Ambos horarios son similares en cuanto a las posibilidades de observar fauna. Hay q tomar en cuenta que nuestro tour es una experiencia completamente natural, por lo tanto disfrutamos lo que la naturaleza ofrece en ese momento, a tomar en cuenta para el tour de 8 pm normalmente tenemos menos personas
Se pueden observar diferentes especies de las distintas familias de animales, entre las que destacan oso perezoso, puercoespines, serpientes, ranas, insectos, aves diurnas y nocturnas, como también hemos tenido la oportunidad de observar felinos, y otros mamíferos. Cada noche es una sorpresa
Las diferencias entre ambos tour son, que para el privado se puede elegir el horario de inicio del tour y en el regular los horarios son 6 pm y 8 pm
Además el privado es un tour en el cual no habrian más personas que nuestra burbuja y el guía y en el regular, compartiríamos un grupo conformado por un maximo de 6 personas y el guía
Nuestros tours se operan únicamente con una reservación previa, esto nos permite organizar los guías, grupos y además tener un control de la cantidad de personas que nos visitan y así poder brindar un mejor servicio.
Nuestro tour es apto para todas las personas, sean niños, jóvenes, adultos o adultos mayores, siempre y cuando no tengan algún impedimento que les complique caminar sin problema. Cuando hay bebes o menores de 6 años aunque no paguen es importante informarlo para tratar de ponerlos solos o con alguna otra familia y así hacer un grupo idóneo.
El transporte está incluido en la tarifa, sin embargo aplican restricciones, como lo son hospedajes fuera de nuestra ruta.
En el tour privado el transporte está incluido sin costo únicamente si el tour es horario de 6 o 8 pm
Las reservas directamente con nosotros son únicamente las que se realizan en nuestro sitio web, WhatsApp, correos, o cualquier otro medio oficial nuestro.
Las reservas que se realizan atravez de otros canales o páginas externas a nuestros perfiles oficiales, generalmente son tours que se desarrollan en nuestra reserva pero son contratadas con agencias, tours operadores o guías independientes.
Customer Experiences
Tamara Staton2022-08-29We did a night hike here, booked through Nasua Tours. Our knowledgeable guide showed us some beautiful wildlife, including a perched green pit viper awaiting prey, sleeping birds, and wolf spiders. It was a really wonderful experience, being in the forest at night.
Margaret Elizabeth Johnston2022-07-28I felt the guide, Christian, was very well informed, showed kindness and care while making sure I got to see as much stuff as he could find. We covered flora and fauna and he was an expert with the telescope so I could use my phone for some close-ups too. I took an 8am tour but feel a 6am would be better for birding. The property is easy to get to also.
Nicollette Parra2022-06-1510/10 recommend this experience! We saw so many cool creatures and our guide Chris M. was incredibly knowledgeable about them - and he spoke Spanish, English, and German! Our group was just 4 people so we all got a chance to take photos and use his high tech telescope. This night tour is a must!
Valerie Stancyk2022-03-04Our night tour was so amazing! We were able to see an armadillo, a frog, a sloth and her baby, a viper, some sleeping birds and many insects. From what I’ve heard, a night tour is the best way to see wildlife in Monteverde. Our guide was very knowledgeable and had a passion for what he does.
Richard Sullivan2022-02-22The night tour with Roy was great! Interactive fun! I saw a red eye frog, 2 vipers, a scorpion, Mexican harry porcupine, leaf bug and A SLOTH! And so much more. Very informative. I wish I had done this before my day trip through the Forrest Best tour of my trip. Thanks Roy!
Tabatha Lund2022-02-19Diego was our amazing guide and we had so much fun! He was funny and very knowledgeable. We got to see a mama sloth with her baby, a scorpion, a sleeping toucan, armadillo, stick bug, fireflies, many birds, and lots of insects all while learning about the wildlife from Diego! Loved looking up to see tons of fireflies roaming around in the trees. Diego also helped us take some really cool pictures!
Meredith Hutcheson2022-01-27My friend and I booked a tour last minute as the team graciously fit us in despite not having seen our registration until we turned up! Our guide, Jason, was knowledgeable and so much fun to explore with. He answered all our questions and found for us an impressive group of wildlife: a walking stick, a red-eye stream frog, a unicorn katydid, a leaf bug, a blue-eyed anole, a toucan, a couple of hummingbirds, a side stripe viper, a moss camouflage praying mantis, a green toucan, and most excitingly a very active mama sloth. We also learned about the trees, plants, and forest ecosystem. Truly a great experience.
JK Vervilles2021-12-22We did the night tour with Miner, and our experience was phenomenal. He knew so much about the animals, wildlife, and intent behind conservation. We saw so many red-eyed tree frogs (at least 8), and many other critters. The walk was not difficult at all but still lasted an hour and a half. The time flew by. We had the dinner afterwards and it was great!